animals in Texas
animals in Texas

Animals in Texas. Texas is home to tons of different habitats and wildlife, including 540 species of bird, 142 species of amphibians, mammals and other animals. Texas is also known as the Bittiest state in America because of it’s home for 32 species of bats.

Its carnivorous predators include cougars, wolves and ocelots. While there are rodents like squirrels, porcupines, pocket gophers and nutria. With a collection of forest mammals like badgers, black bears, bobcats and other similar woodland critters.

Birds are commonly found in Texas with the natural ecosystem consisting mainly of owls, eagles and kestrels. In terms of the arid desert environment you can find world’s rarest reptiles and amphibians with its incredibly unique wildlife items like the rat-snake. There are also some weird freak bugs that live here in Texas such as shrink lizards or even whistling ducks or blind salamanders!

Coyote is generally carnivorous; it eats rabbits, hares, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and fish. It is also known to eat vegetables and fruits on occasion.

Its howl is used as a mating call during the time of courtship in springtime where it can hear it up to 5 miles away.


The pronghorn, also known as the American antelope, is the only animal that has branching in its horns and sheds it each year. The pronghorns are found in open plains and semi-desertscapes. They are usually a reddish brown or light creamy colour with whiter patches on their throat. Rump patches can be erect to warn other pronghorns of sudden danger, and males are typically 40 kg heavy while females are less than 40 kgs.

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In standing position, the pronghorns have a length of about 80 to 100 cm. As they’re faster than other deer or antelope, they move at speeds of 70 km per hour, peaking at 70 km/hr in short bursts. Pronghorns also have eyes that are larger than those of elephants so they have excellent vision. Both males and females get horned when they reach sexual maturity but only males grow longer straight prongs while shorter ones on the front side curve back more sharply and the more pointed one at the tip leans forward more suddenly.

Fawns shed their horns in October after mating season ends while adults don’t molt during mating season greatly extending it instead until spring. Fall offers opportunity for restoration of energy used up during


The Puma concolor is the largest cat born in the United States and has the widest range of any major mammal in the Western Hemisphere. It’s a flexible, common type that can be found in many parts of America. Because of its wide range, it has many names including mountain lion, puma, catamount, painter and panther.

The cougar is considered appropriate both day or night and seen near crepuscular areas as well as porches. Although large, it is not always a predator that kills itself in cages but rather receives help from black bears, grizzly bears, herds of wolves or coyotes, and alligators instead. The cougar is uninhabited and very protective of people- sometimes deadly to humans.


It’s a crocodile in the Alligator genus of the family Alligatoridae. Two extant species are the American crocodile and the Chinese crocodile. In addition, several extinct species of alligators are known for fossil fuels. Crocodiles first appeared back around 37 million years ago. Large male alligators are solitary animals.Small alligators tend to stick together in groups, especially near sources of water.

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The largest species (both male and female) defend the primary area; smaller ones have higher tolerance for other alligators within their size category. Alligators roam the earth in two “sprawl” and “high-altitude” ways – one with an abdomen bent towards the ground when it moves forward, and one with an upper extremity positioned high from the ground to walk on land when submerged in water.

Although large, heavy animals, they can still be quite nimble when needed; particularly if they are heavily outfitted with claws that have ripped hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of immovable leather over decades.

Fox Squirrel

Fox squirrels are squirrels that inhabit a variety of habitats in Texas. They are well adapted to different environments and have become the most common there. The largest amount of fox squirrels is found in the open forests with a mixture of oak and nut trees. Squirrels usually forage for food early in the morning and afternoon.

Fox squirrels live in hollow tree or build leaves and nests on branches. They eat acorns, other squirrel favorites like nuts, leaves, fruits, fungi, insects, aquatic animals and tree bark. Squirrels burrow nuts to store food so they can have it later during winter when they migrate their stockpiled nuts back to the locations they were originally brought from.

One squirrel can bury up to 3 tons of pecans within 3 months! Long tails have been used for many purposes like keeping them warm, helping slow down on levels of branches or being spread out attractively as a parachute should one fox fall from a height.

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Summary Animals in Texas

Texas is the second-largest country in the world. It offers a diverse set of habitats for mammals, including swampy Piney Woods to the east, rocky Hill Country on the Edward Plateau, desert, Colorado River and Trinity River systems, and so much more! On top of that, Texas has even close-by Mexico which means Texas hosts a variety of animal species from across the globe.



By Asad